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Hyper-Personalization in Financial Institutions Need a Strategic Tech Partner

Financial institutions are going through a monumental shift, be it global market or Indian markets. With customers becoming digital-literate, they are demanding options, services, and prices as per their choices. They are expecting a Zomato in banking. Branch banking or paper-based fund transfers are old habits. At least not for the millennials. While the larger retail industry is going through a paradigm shift in terms of channels, services, pricing, customer support, and feedback process; retail banking is still in a catch-up phase. Why?

Tech I’d Like to See: "You’ve had enough beer today!"


"You've had enough beer today!"

Imagine a world where a wearable device could detect an impending health threat you face, based on the current lifestyle you live! We have wearables to track our heartbeats and the quality of sleep, but what we don't yet have are the wearables tracking our eating habits, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and so on. But only monitoring our lifestyle choices will not suffice.

An Organisation is as Strong as the Collective Talent of its Workforce

A good employer should always …”

In the era of continuous technical disruptions, how you finish that sentence could reveal a lot about your leadership style. As a leader in one of the most competitive job markets, it’s our responsibility to develop a transparent, unbiased, merit-driven ecosystem in the organization and create a compelling employer brand.

Shaping The Trends Of Enterprise Technology For 2020

Over the past few years, there have been various emerging technology advancements creating disruption in the enterprise business. It’s likes of Cloud, AI, RPA, IoT and many other technology trends which brought digital experience to business and has been ruling the enterprise space in terms of innovations.

Top Digital Transformation Trends For 2019


Year 2019 should see good adoption of predictive/prescriptive analytics across the industries. The most talked about subject, yet, not well understood—2019 will not be a different year. Technology advancement and disrupters have forced every organization to take note of it. However, many times, companies simply leverage new technologies to improve the past under the illusion of transformation. This is mainly due to lack of big picture and disruptive technology understanding.