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Marketing in 2024 with AI: Tips, Tricks and Checklists

The marketing sector has undergone significant changes in recent years, greatly driven by technological disruptions and consumer behavior shifts. One notable development is the rise of the "attention economy," in which consumers are bombarded with an overwhelming amount of content and advertising messages competing for their limited attention spans. In this environment, capturing and holding the audience's attention is increasingly challenging for brands. 

Plug N Play – Pods for Startups to Build Rapid Engineering Teams

What happens when you want spin faster than your own speed. You look for speed that helps you exceed your own expectations. Being a successful entrepreneur is a similar experience. You may be perplexed at times trying to get your ideas flying and in the right direction, but it is never a cakewalk to develop your products and brand them into the minds of potential customers.

Tech I’d Like to See: "You’ve had enough beer today!"


"You've had enough beer today!"

Imagine a world where a wearable device could detect an impending health threat you face, based on the current lifestyle you live! We have wearables to track our heartbeats and the quality of sleep, but what we don't yet have are the wearables tracking our eating habits, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and so on. But only monitoring our lifestyle choices will not suffice.