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Responsible Business

Making a difference—for our clients, our colleagues, and our communities.

Cybage at a Glance

Cybage is committed to being a responsible corporate that works towards the betterment of society with passion and perseverance. Our CSR foundation spares no effort to make a marked difference in the lives of people by providing equal opportunities that lead to a more secure and fulfilling life. 

The scope of our corporate social responsibility has never been greater. 

CybageAsha, one of the two wings of our CSR foundation, works passionately towards creating a healthy and sustainable environment and empowering rural communities through development. CybageAsha is also committed to uplifting financially challenged communities by creating opportunities that lead to sustainable incomes for them. 

Whether helping farmers get a better yield by utilizing modern techniques for a sustainable livelihood or upgrading the infrastructure of villages by constructing roads, toilets, underground drainage systems, drinking water tanks, watershed management, etc., CybageAsha is untiring in its efforts to change the status quo. 

CybageKhushboo, the other wing of our CSR foundation, is dedicated to making quality education accessible to underdeveloped communities. Through its various endeavors, such as scholarships for college education, skill development of unemployed youths, supporting educational institutes with financial aid, and infrastructural development, CybageKhushboo helps build more balanced and educated communities with equitable opportunities for many.

Our Approach

Discover the heart of Cybage as we extend our commitment beyond business. Our impactful CSR initiatives drive positive change in communities, championing social responsibility at the core of our mission.
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At Cybage, we place great emphasis on integrating legality, ethics, and responsibility into the company's framework. We comply with Indian corporate governance regulations to maintain a transparent and ethical business framework.
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