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Connected Care Building a Better Future for Healthcare

Patients and physicians have now experienced the power of connected health, making virtual visits and remote patient monitoring the standard. These solutions are however just the tip of this connected care iceberg. Now more than ever, patients and specialists expect a digital-first approach to quality. And connected healthcare solutions are here to deliver!

New Experiences: Driven By Necessity

Flying High With Technology - The Airline’s Road to Recovery

In 2020, the airline industry's revenue totaled $328 billion, a mere 40 percent of the year before. The sector is projected to remain small for the foreseeable future with traffic not returning to 2019 levels before the end of 2023. With borders and airports slowly opening up, airlines finally have a reason to rejoice. However, the impact of COVID is more profound. Unlike the 'purely economic' 2008 financial crisis, COVID-19 hasn't simply weakened spending power, it has changed the consumer behavior irrevocably.

Hyper-Personalization in Financial Institutions Need a Strategic Tech Partner

Financial institutions are going through a monumental shift, be it global market or Indian markets. With customers becoming digital-literate, they are demanding options, services, and prices as per their choices. They are expecting a Zomato in banking. Branch banking or paper-based fund transfers are old habits. At least not for the millennials. While the larger retail industry is going through a paradigm shift in terms of channels, services, pricing, customer support, and feedback process; retail banking is still in a catch-up phase. Why?

Shaping The Trends Of Enterprise Technology For 2020

Over the past few years, there have been various emerging technology advancements creating disruption in the enterprise business. It’s likes of Cloud, AI, RPA, IoT and many other technology trends which brought digital experience to business and has been ruling the enterprise space in terms of innovations.