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Multi-Platform Test Engineering

In today's competitive environment, software-driven businesses are looking for ways to consistently deliver good quality products and address changes based on customer experience and feedback. To ensure the Engineering teams are catering to the needs of business and the customers, they need to respond to changes quickly and swiftly. At the same time, they need to ensure the changes are not impacting existing features. For this to be achievable, Silo-based testing is inefficient. Therefore, product features need accurate testing to cut across the application layers for end-to-end coverage.

Plug N Play – Pods for Startups to Build Rapid Engineering Teams

What happens when you want spin faster than your own speed. You look for speed that helps you exceed your own expectations. Being a successful entrepreneur is a similar experience. You may be perplexed at times trying to get your ideas flying and in the right direction, but it is never a cakewalk to develop your products and brand them into the minds of potential customers.

Essential Digital Transformation Guide for Growing Businesses

Technology is changing the society; it is embedded in everything we do, improving the ways we work, live, and experience this world. But we are looking at a greater transformation at play, where the unprecedented influence and access businesses enjoy today come with a challenging set of responsibilities. It is essentially looking beyond the digital into a place where technology is built into every single interaction.