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The Rapid Proliferation of eCommerce: Lessons Learned from COVID-19

COVID-19 led to a near-simultaneous shutdown of the global economy, with retail among the severely impacted. In responding to the global crisis, retailers turned to rapid large-scale digital transformation to focus on short-term operational issues and look ahead at the evolving retail landscape. Emerging trends points to a significant shift in consumer behavior led to challenges like never before. Despite the numerous challenges, retailers have found new and innovative ways to keep up with the evolving situation.

How Advanced Digital Technologies Deliver Immersive Consumer Experiences

In this era of ‘Retail 2.0’, the lines between virtual and real are gradually blurring, with customers seeking convenience over costs. With numerous brands fighting for even a figment of consumer’s attention, it has become imperative to be as distinct and omnipresent as possible to drive true engagement, and consequently experience.