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Solutioning for Streamlined Returns Processes

Right on the heels of the peak seasons, businesses are doing everything they can to equip their supply chains with improved efficiency. Every year through the highs and lows of the shopping cycle and providers have ensured products get to their customers’ doorsteps on time. On the backend of joyous gift-giving times, however, lies the challenge of ‘returns.' A challenge exacerbated during the Holiday season but not limited to it!


The Formula for Efficiency IoT-Driven Warehouse Management

Greater visibility into Supply Chains is vital for effective warehouse management. IoT offers considerable scope for implementation in the arena from the beginning to when a shipment reaches end customers.

Research shows IoT in the global warehouse management market is anticipated to achieve a revenue of USD 19.06 billion by 2025.


Advanced Fleet Management: Industry Challenges & Solutions: Part I

Are you a fleet manager or a VP of Transportation who is struggling to manage assets and is experiencing inefficiencies?

Or are you having trouble deciding whether to implement a fleet management system or not?

Well, with every minute you procrastinate on this decision, you are losing both Time and Money!

A fleet management system (FMS), which was once thought to be a nice-to-have, is now a must-have.