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Sustainable Environmental Initiatives


At Cybage, we are deeply committed to the stewardship of our planet. Our sustainability efforts are woven into the fabric of our operations, reflecting our dedication to responsible practices. By actively reducing our carbon footprint and spearheading green initiatives, we aim not only to minimize environmental impact but to set a benchmark for corporate environmental responsibility. Our approach is holistic, ensuring that every action we take contributes to a healthier, more sustainable world.

Harnessing Solar Power


Solar panels delivering a total output of 125 KW

Wastewater Management


Recycling of wastewater for a sustainable future

Sustaining Natural Harmony


Green spaces: preserving nature in our office environment

Cutting Energy and Carbon Output


Conventional light fittings replaced with energy-efficient LED fittings

Our Initiatives

Energy Efficiency
Solar Panels

The rooftop cafeteria at Cybage Towers boasts 408 solar panels with a capacity of 125 KW. This installation generates enough electricity to power all the computers and lights on two floors of the building. By embracing renewable energy, Cybage not only saves on costs and carbon emissions but also supports the transition towards a more sustainable energy source.

Solar Panel
Energy-Efficient LED Fittings

Cybage has replaced 2000 conventional light fittings with energy-efficient LED fittings. This transition saves approximately 2.5 lakh units of energy annually, contributing to significant energy savings and reducing carbon emissions.

Energy efficient LED fittings
Water Conservation
Water Management

Cybage operates a state-of-the-art sewage treatment plant that recycles over 1.4 lakh liters of water daily with 90% efficiency. This eliminates the need for a traditional drainage system, allowing the company to recycle up to 98% of wastewater. Through effective water management, Cybage reduces water consumption, minimizes environmental impact, and preserves this precious resource.

Water management
Rainwater Harvesting

Every drop of rainwater at Cybage is meticulously collected and stored, replenishing the water stock in their bore wells. This not only helps during water shortages but also serves as a backup during emergencies. Cybage recharges their three bore wells through an efficient rainwater harvesting system.

Rainwater Harvesting
Waste Management
Dry Waste Management

By partnering with Swach, we contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable environment through responsible waste management. This initiative not only reduces landfill waste but also promotes a circular economy by converting waste into valuable compost.

Dry waste management
Organic Waste Converter (OWC)

Cybage operates an Organic Waste Converter (OWC) machine that efficiently converts around 300 kgs of food and garden waste from the cafeteria into organic compost every day. This compost is then used to nourish the garden plants, closing the loop on organic waste management, and promoting a sustainable circular economy.

Organic Waste Converter
Eco-Conscious Efforts
Green Spaces

Cybage prioritizes the preservation of nature by dedicating one-third of its office premises to open areas with trees. This commitment to green spaces creates a pollution-free and pleasant environment for employees and visitors alike.

Green spaces
E-Waste Management

Cybage partners with an e-waste management organization to responsibly dispose of computers and peripherals. This ensures that electronic waste is handled in an environmentally friendly manner, minimizing its impact on the environment.

E-waste management

Energy Efficiency
Solar Panels

The rooftop cafeteria at Cybage Towers boasts 408 solar panels with a capacity of 125 KW. This installation generates enough electricity to power all the computers and lights on two floors of the building. By embracing renewable energy, Cybage not only saves on costs and carbon emissions but also supports the transition towards a more sustainable energy source.

Solar Panel
Energy-Efficient LED Fittings

Cybage has replaced 2000 conventional light fittings with energy-efficient LED fittings. This transition saves approximately 2.5 lakh units of energy annually, contributing to significant energy savings and reducing carbon emissions.

Energy efficient LED fittings

Water Conservation
Water Management

Cybage operates a state-of-the-art sewage treatment plant that recycles over 1.4 lakh liters of water daily with 90% efficiency. This eliminates the need for a traditional drainage system, allowing the company to recycle up to 98% of wastewater. Through effective water management, Cybage reduces water consumption, minimizes environmental impact, and preserves this precious resource.

Water management
Rainwater Harvesting

Every drop of rainwater at Cybage is meticulously collected and stored, replenishing the water stock in their bore wells. This not only helps during water shortages but also serves as a backup during emergencies. Cybage recharges their three bore wells through an efficient rainwater harvesting system.

Rainwater Harvesting

Waste Management
Dry Waste Management

By partnering with Swach, we contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable environment through responsible waste management. This initiative not only reduces landfill waste but also promotes a circular economy by converting waste into valuable compost.

Dry waste management
Organic Waste Converter (OWC)

Cybage operates an Organic Waste Converter (OWC) machine that efficiently converts around 300 kgs of food and garden waste from the cafeteria into organic compost every day. This compost is then used to nourish the garden plants, closing the loop on organic waste management, and promoting a sustainable circular economy.

Organic Waste Converter

Eco-Conscious Efforts
Green Spaces

Cybage prioritizes the preservation of nature by dedicating one-third of its office premises to open areas with trees. This commitment to green spaces creates a pollution-free and pleasant environment for employees and visitors alike.

Green spaces
E-Waste Management

Cybage partners with an e-waste management organization to responsibly dispose of computers and peripherals. This ensures that electronic waste is handled in an environmentally friendly manner, minimizing its impact on the environment.

E-waste management

EcoVadis Banner

Ecovadis Assessment

Environment includes the living and non-living things that an organism interacts with, or that have an effect on it. Living elements that an organism interacts with are known as biotic elements: animals, plants, etc. Abiotic elements are non-living things which include air, water, sunlight etc. Studying the environment means studying the relationships among these various things.

Our Approach to Responsible Business

Villages adopted
Scholarships distributed

Discover the heart of Cybage as we extend our commitment beyond business. Our impactful CSR initiatives drive positive change in communities, championing social responsibility at the core of our mission.

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Women employees

At Cybage, we place great emphasis on integrating legality, ethics, and responsibility into the company's framework. We comply with Indian corporate governance regulations to maintain a transparent and ethical business framework.

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